MICHELLE BUCHANAN, CFRE is a Principal in the Dini Spheris Houston office. When in a tough spot, Michelle will settle for nothing short of success and the celebration that follows achieving a goal. Her goal is to make others better — to strengthen the skills and results of those with whom she works.
Building strong, trusted relationships was one of the secrets to Michelle’s success as a development professional and major gift officer. Michelle began her fundraising career at the Wesley Community Center, eventually serving at the University of Houston’s main campus. Before joining Dini Spheris, Michelle was a leader among the major gift solicitors at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. There, Michelle managed an annual portfolio of over 150 individuals — many of whom she would come to regard as personal friends.
At Dini Spheris, Michelle has served as team leader on numerous projects. Those projects include building a centralized philanthropy program for St. Louis’ Mercy Health system, which spans four states and 32 hospitals, as well as working with Medical Center Hospital in Odessa, Texas, to create the first-ever major gift foundation. A graduate of Texas Tech University, Michelle is often heard speaking at major professional conferences in nonprofit, educational and healthcare philanthropy.
(See workshop and summit schedules for April 30, May 15 and November 1.)