About the Fund for Excellence
The Fund for Excellence is a donor-supported, advancement fund that Pensacola State College relies upon to seize opportunities. These unrestricted funds allow the Foundation flexibility to choose which needs these funds can support. In the past, we have used these funds to draw down and maximize matching fund opportunities, to support operations, to ensure faculty and staff have professional development opportunities, to support satellite campuses and centers, to grow our academic programs, to match scholarship donations, to meet student needs, and more.
While federal funds and state funds are critical, the Fund for Excellence is also crucial to the success of the College. Government dollars and major gifts are often restricted to a specific purpose, such as the construction of a new building but not the maintenance of the new building or new teaching software but not the upgraded computers to run that software. The Fund for Excellence enables PSC to overcome such gaps in funding.
These unrestricted funds allow the Foundation the flexibility to:
Meet the greatest needs FIRST!
Ensure faculty and staff have professional development opportunities
Support satellite campus and center programmatic growth
Provide GED and skilled trade programmatic support
Support of the truck driver training program
Provide athletic, performing arts, visual arts program enhancements