decorative image of Harrison , History - Harrison 2021-06-22 15:43:18

1964 – 1980, PRESIDENT T. FELTON HARRISON                                                                                                                     

From 1964 – 1980, 31 donors supported the College giving just over $26,000. The average gift was $117. Twelve of these donors were responsible for $24,225 of the gifts and the average gift among these select supporters was $191. All funds given were designated to Fund for Excellence to support the greatest needs at the College.

On July 1, 1964, T. Felton Harrison assumed the presidency of PJC. He had served as Dean of Instruction at the College since 1957.

In 1964, the new Center for Adult Studies became home to the Adult High School and PJC’s vocational and technical education programs.

The area’s first planetarium open to the public and a dental health clinic were included in an addition to the Mary Ellison Baars Science Building in 1965.

Expansion continued in 1965 with the opening of a new Educational Television Building. Lauded as the finest facility of its kind in the South, the new ETV Building housed two large television studios for closed-circuit television and a television station.

As the college grew, recognition and support from the community also grew and the PJC Foundation was incorporated on Nov. 1, 1965. Crawford Rainwater served as the Foundation’s first president.

The names of the officers who are to manage the affairs of the Foundation until the first election hereunder are as follows:

President —  Crawford Rainwater

Vice-President — E. W. Hopkins

Secretary-Treasurer — E. E. Bullock

Executive Director —  Phil Ashler


The following eleven people persons shall constitute the Board of Governors of the Foundation until the first election hereunder, to wit:

Phil Ashler

Lewis Bear, Sr.

Warren Briggs

Herman A. Heise

James A. Lay, Jr.

Howard Mitchell

Carl W. Prochl

Crawford Rainwater


In February 1980, President Harrison announced plans for retirement.

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