Since she began her career at PSC in 2014, Dr. Rameca Leary has illustrated her unwavering commitment to Pensacola State College and its students. During the height of COVID-19, the annual AMMES Wiggins Banquet, which raises funds for the African American Memorial Endowment and Dr. Garrett T. Wiggins Live Your Dream Scholarships, was canceled. In its place, Dr. Leary spearheaded a 100 for 100 Campaign which raised a total of $15,665 toward the two scholarship funds.
“I enjoy investing in the lives of our PSC students, both financially and academically. I remember my college years. If it had not been for the love and generosity of people who believed in me, my life could have taken another course. Instead, it was enriched by the scholarships and grants I received along the way. That is why supporting PSC Foundation scholarships is so important. I love to see the joy on students’ faces when they are notified of their awards. Meanwhile, I believe we should treat others as we want to be treated. This reaches far beyond the scope of a classroom setting. I make myself available to students and continue that tradition even after they graduate. I have witnessed some amazing success stories! I want to impact lives for the better.”
– Dr. Rameca Leary, Coordinator of Diversity Initiatives and Business Instructor