decorative image of Tammy-Henderson ,   2019-03-29 15:51:16

Tammy Henderson – Director, Human Resources

Tammy Henderson is the Human Resources Director at PSC.  She volunteers and has helped with preparing for Holiday Experience and the Clover Auction.  As a member of the Association of Florida Colleges (AFC), she helped revitalize continuous donations to the AFC scholarship at the Foundation. “I know the value of education, and that PSC is…

decorative image of Jensen-Strickland , Jensen S. - Scholarship Recipient Spotlight 2019-01-07 12:03:49

Jensen S. – Scholarship Recipient Spotlight

Jensen wants to see the world from all angles, “to be able to say I’ve been different places and not just in Florida my whole life.”

Jensen’s interests go beyond sports, as she is looking toward majoring in criminology.  “I like anything to do with counter intelligence.  I know there’s a big program in the Air Force with that.  I’d look into going into the military possibly to work in the field in there.”

decorative image of Paula-Byrd , Paula Byrd - Director (Century Center) 2019-03-25 12:20:51

Paula Byrd – Director (Century Center)

Paula has been the director of Pensacola State College’s Century Center since January 2012 – when she was named administrator of the newly-established campus. She works with department heads and directors to compile course and program offerings, represents the College in the community, recruits students and instructors, assists with the application process and advising, serves…